We are excited to announce visiting speaker Rex Trogdon in a week long series titled "The Threefold Purpose of the Church." Many people are confused about the purpose of the church or why they should attend. They have questions about what makes a "good" church, or wonder if the church has lost its way. We hope that you will find the answers to these questions and more as Rex examines the Upward, Inward, and Outward purposes of the Church. The series Sunday, May 15-20. The messages will be at 11 am and 6 pm on Sunday and 7:30 pm Monday through Friday. There will also be a covered dish dinner following the Sunday morning meeting.

Rex Trogdon and his wife served the Lord ten years in Zaire, Africa before helping found Believers Bible Chapel in Charlotte, NC in 2000. Rex has led Bible Lands Study Tours in Israel, worked with the Good News on the Move team, assists in organizing the Rise Up conferences, and is a writer for Choice Gleanings and Uplook Magazine.